Rebecca Hinson is an illustrator and oil painter based in Wilmington, NC.
Rebecca is a southern girl, born and raised in the Pee Dee region of South Carolina. Although she started at the College of Charleston as a Studio Art major, Rebecca changed to Business Administration somewhere along her sophomore year conditioned to believe it to be more "practical". She satisfied her passion for art by minoring in Art History. This led her to study in Rome, Italy. The bustling Italian culture, ancient ruins, and lush country side inspired her, but also drew her back to one of her favorite subjects, the American South. Rebecca adores painting what she knows and loves - the South, the coast, and animals.
While Rebecca began her professional career primarily as an oil painter, she soon transitioned to work in gouache watercolor as well. No matter what the medium, Rebecca aims to capture a positive and joyful feeling in all that she creates.
In 2020, after 16 years in Charleston the Holy City, Rebecca, her husband, Derek, and two kitties, Luna and Eva Snow, moved up the coast to Wilmington, NC. When not in her studio, Rebecca can found at the beach, tending to her garden, advocating for animals, or playing with her kitties.
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